VIBROLAB Vibration balancing measuring system

In production 2 pcs.


  • Included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation since 2016, can be supplied with calibration
  • Simple and user-friendly interface with prompts for the operator helps to avoid errors
  • Equipped with built-in algorithms for balancing quasi-flexible and flexible rotors.
  • Displays the current angular position of the rotor
  • Based on a reliable industrial computer and protected from failures and power surges
  • Various built-in programs, including adjustment by structural angles, drilling, milling, grinding, by arc or sector
  • Calculation of unbalances by means of vector coefficients of influence
  • Controls the frequency converter according to the digital protocol MODBUS
  • Calculates the acceleration and deceleration time of the part from its moment of inertia
  • Digital filtering of signals guarantees accuracy of vibration measurement
  • Automatic rotor turn to correction position
  • Prints out the balancing protocol or saves it to removable media


Dimensions (L x W x H) 430 х 125 х 370 mm
Type of vibration sensors Accelerometers, force sensors, with active and passive electronics
Number of measured vibration displacement channels 1 – 4 pcs.
Measurement range of vibration displacement amplitude 1 – 1000 µm
Limits of the permissible relative error of the amplitude measurements ±3 %
Range of permissible rotor rotational speeds 180 - 30000 rpm
Limits of permissible rotor speed measuring error ± (1+0.0025 n) rpm, where n is the number of rotor revolutions
Range of detected unbalances 0.1 – 500 gmm/kg
Operating frequency range 3 - 500 Hz
Type of angle sensor (encoder) Incremental
Sensor type Laser keyphasor
Consumed power, no more than 100 W
Supply voltage Variable, 50 Hz, 220 V +10-15%
Operating temperature range +10 - +35 °С
Average time to failure 40000 h
Average service life 25 years
Main unit mass 15 kg

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VIBROLAB Vibration balancing measuring system

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VIBROLAB Vibration balancing measuring system

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